Chronic complaints after cervical spine injury
Our myPRP series shares stories from our patients on their very personal experiences with biosignalled healing.
We’re fully aware that we can’t take this for granted and would like to thank you very much for your openness.
Chronic complaints after cervical spine injury
On January 8, 2024, I slipped on a patch of ice while walking and fell on the back of my head and back. An extended X-ray examination in an emergency revealed minor signs of injury to the cervical vertebrae, but fortunately no serious signs of injury.
However, I suffered a concussion with positional and rotational vertigo, severe tinnitus with nausea and vomiting, severe pain throughout my spine, considerable gait instability, difficulty finding words and poor concentration. These complaints accompanied me from then on and seemed insurmountable despite various therapies: Osteopathy, physiotherapy, medical massage. These treatments did me a lot of good at the moment, but hours later all the symptoms were stronger again than before and the complaints lasted 3-5 days … until the next treatment.
Even anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by my GP had no effect at first and after 2 weeks a dull pain was constantly present in my body.
A 2-month break from all therapies gave me some peace and quiet, but when I started doing light physical exercises again, everything derailed … I couldn’t walk because of the pain, the tinnitus was excessive as was the nausea and dizziness.
My daughter recommended a treatment she knew at FIRST ZURICH. After a comprehensive assessment of my complaints and goals and a consultation on the possibilities, I was recommended a light therapy specifically tailored to my needs, which is technically known as whole-body PhotoBioModulation.
I opted for this very easy and safe treatment. The therapy started on 07.10.2024 and after just the 2nd treatment I noticed that I was rested again in the morning and felt vital!!!
I have become a different person! I have regained confidence and quality of life and have decided to do a second series. I have started to cultivate my hobbies again … Gardening and mountain hiking. I manage 400 meters in altitude and a 3-hour hike without suffering on the following days!
Comment by Dr. Schnorr, FIRST ZURICH: After the first series of treatments over 2 weeks, an improvement of 70% of the symptoms was already achieved. (Treatment until 16.10.2024 and recording of results on 30.10.2024)